What they do
The Eco Warriors care about our school, community and the world. They look after our Environment so that we can enjoy a bright future.
Their primary aims are:
- To learn about and raise awareness of current environmental issues
- To understand why it is important to look after our world
- To be pro-active and take action for our environment
March 2019
Our dedicated Eco Warrior team worked in partnership with the Rights Respecting group to complete a litter pick around the local area. We used our new equipment such as wellingtons, gloves and litter pickers. The children thoroughly enjoyed this activity and managed to collect nine bin bags full of rubbish!
The Eco Warriors empower themselves to make positive changes to their environment: not just in the school grounds but the wider community and the world too! They will be involved in applying for the Eco-Schools Bronze award, which recognises schools who play an active role in improving their environment.
The Eco Warriors are empowering themselves to make positive changes to the environment with big plans to improve our school. You will find their notice board outside class 4. They have allocated each other eco jobs to support with the improvement. These eco jobs are to create a healthy tuck shop where they plan to sell fruit at play time. Fruit waste will be put into a compost bin. Growing plants and vegetables to support in flood defence. Litter picking around the school grounds and possibly the local area. Eco Police, who plan to check class rooms are not wasting energy, will give each class a daily traffic light energy rating. They also have Anna Caygill from the environment agency coming into our next action group meeting to run a workshop. We are also planning a visit to a food waste collection and disposal company who process the leftover food waste from over 200 schools across Durham to produce biogas.