PSHE Relationships and health Education
Curriculum Intention
Through our PSHE Relationships and Health Education, we intend to prepare pupils at St Andrews Primary School for the opportunities, responsibilities, challenges and experiences of later life. This involves them acquiring information, developing skills and forming positive beliefs, values and attitudes. We intend to provide them with tools to safeguard themselves both on and offline by teaching them information and vocabulary needed to stay safe from harm. We give them the essential skills to build positive, enjoyable and non-exploitative relationships. We intend for our children to build up resilience to challenges faced and to look after their mental and physical health. We believe that our children are individuals who need to be nurtured to encourage the development of their full potential celebrating achievements and successes along the way. We want children to communicate their feelings in a safe environment to ensure they become resilient, happy, healthy and successful members of the community.
Our lessons are implemented through mixing the 1decision scheme of work with the PSHE Association thematic approach. These lessons have been sequenced carefully to ensure the skills children learn, are age appropriate and progressive, building on what they have previously learned. We cover all three core themes of the program of study –
- Health and Wellbeing (Physical health and mental wellbeing, growing and changing, keeping safe)
- Relationships (Families and friendships, safe relationships, Respecting ourselves and others)
- Living in the Wider World (Belonging to a community, media literacy and digital resilience, money and work)
Within these topics we cover the new Relationships and Health education- see the table below.
Families and people who care for me | Being safe | Healthy eating |
Caring friendships | Mental wellbeing | Year 5/6 Changing adolescent body |
Respectful relationships | Internet safety and harms | Year 5/6 Facts and risks associated with drugs and alcohol |
Online relationships | Physical health and fitness | Health and prevention |
We implement positive and safe relationships of all kinds through our curriculum. Relationships Education is where we support the children within our school to be happy, healthy and safe. It is about understanding the importance of stable and loving relationships, respect, love and care, for family life. These techniques are repeated over the years so that the children can build upon and refine their skills in each area.
As a school community we identified the importance of teaching sex education as a safeguarding tool. This is where we will begin to teach the appropriate vocabulary for naming body parts. However, we will not be teaching conception. In year 5 and 6 this vocabulary becomes statutory within health education.
We implement a spiralled curriculum that builds on previous learning allowing pupils to accumulate and apply knowledge when appropriate through the resources that we use.
All lessons will be adapted to suit the needs of the children where assessments will take place to see what they need at that point in time. Assessments take place through draw and write when using PSHE Association resources and 1 decision resources start with a baseline assessment.
As well as learning PSHE Relationships and Health Education in discreet lessons (1 per week), the skills and knowledge that the children learn will permeate throughout other lessons and school activities. PSHE Relationships and Health Education is not taught in isolation, it weaves its way in all that we do. There are many aspects of the health education that are explored within science, PESSPA and DT. We also celebrate awareness days to enrich our curriculum and embed our values.
Across school our pupils are becoming more confident in making the right decisions. Children are respectful and polite towards peers, teachers, and visitors. They are learning techniques to keep themselves physically and mentally well. Children are more aware of their feelings and how to deal with them. In the health side of our curriculum, the children are constantly working towards the Active 30 award. They have daily active blasts, active lessons, and active playtimes. This has had a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of our school.
By the time our children leave our school they will:
Be equipped to make informed decisions about their health, wellbeing and relationships, in a sensitive way that reflects their stage of development.
Be able to approach a range of real-life situations and apply their skills and attributes to help navigate themselves through our diverse and everchanging modern world.
Be on their way to becoming healthy, open minded and respectful members of society.
Appreciate difference and diversity.
Understand and manage their emotions through self-regulation techniques.
Have knowledge and techniques that will support them to look after their mental health and well-being.
To identify what positive, healthy relationships are.
Be aware that it is okay to have different family set ups.
Be able to manage friendships that go wrong.
Have an awareness of how to stay safe online.
Be respectful to themselves and others.
Having the ability to question, challenge and to say no.
Be prepared for their transition into secondary school.
Please see long to PSHE RSE and Health long term plan (link)
Please see link to PSHE RSE and Health policy (link)
Please see link to RSE and Health guide for parents (link)
Please see link to mental health and emotional support (Link)
1 decision for parents Parent / Carer Zone | 1decision
The PSHE and SRE 1Decision mapping document can be viewed here and the delivery overview here.